Chris Smith


Thoughts on life.


In this transition from corporate job life to consulting work with some adventure in-between, I've had some interesting realizations that are shaping my next steps.  Maybe the thoughts below might help you with your next move.

1. On Breaking Routine

I quit my "career job" in May of 2013 after 3.5 years.  After going from a routine work life to 6 months of travel around the US and Europe, I've broken or weakened most of my routines and thought patterns.  Constantly being on the go and around new people, from racing sailboats offshore to delivering boats up and down the coast to enjoying the trains and nightlife of Europe, I haven't had any semblance of regular schedule whether that be sleeping, location, diet, exercise, people, work, etc.

The pluses and minuses:

  1. I now have a blank slate to start anew in work/life
  2. It's scary being without rythm and routine, without normalcy
  3. I feel less biased with a freedom to choose openly my next steps

That being said, I have a completely renewed source of energy for work and need to be doing something big.  

2. Need to Create Structure

I repaired a hole in the drywall of my house today.  What made the job quick, simple, and relatively thoughtless was using a piece of plastic and metal scaffolding which gave a framework for the spackling. Structure and routine makes life more efficient. 

I under appreciated the work structure I had, the daily schedule, the ladder to climb, and the forced interaction. What a 6 month disconnect and some reflection has left me with is a need to create structure and routine for my own efficiency.  I need patterns to rely on so that I can focus my energy on the most creative and profitable areas.  I've decided to focus on a few steps to move in this direction and take back some of the benefits from the structure of a corporate job.

To create structure:

  1. Work around people i.e. join a coworking office
    1. CoWork Greenville was my first experience with this and an incredible intro to a collaborative work environment.
  2. Wake up at the same time every day
  3. Call on mentors for regular meetings
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